tutorial notes

what they are

These notes are mainly the slides designed to be used in my tutorials. As such they do not form a course in themselves but I hope you find them useful in conjunction with more traditional statistics materials.

All the notes are in PDF format except for some of the end matter which is available only in HTML.


preliminary material notes pages i-vi (pdf, 25K)
slides 1-9: how random is the wor

part introductions 6 pages (pdf, 19K)
slides 1-9: how random is the wor

tutorial slides
overview slides i-vi (pdf, 16K)
slides 1-9: how random is the world - raindrops and coin tossing
slides 10-14: from the mouths of babes - uniformity vs. randomness
randomness slides 1-14 (pdf, 128K)
slides 1-9: how random is the world - raindrops and coin tossing
slides 10-14: from the mouths of babes - uniformity vs. randomness
finding things out slides 15-25 (pdf, 129K)
slides 15-18: seeing through randomness, summing
slides 19-25: bias and independence
measures and variability slides 26-47 (pdf, 115K)
slides 26-33: mean, median and square people?
slides 34-47: sqrt(n) behaviour, variability of variability
proving things slides 48-74 (pdf, 143K)
slides 48-67: significance is not importance - what does it prove?
slides 68-74: proving equality ? confidence intervals
experiments: design and test slides 75-99 (pdf, 57K)
slides 75-90: what can go wrong, paired tests
slides 91-99: kinds of variable, parametric and non-parametric tests
experiments in HCI slides 100-112 (pdf, 27K)

hands on - 9 worsksheets (pdf, 55K)

7 common errors (html only)

"Empirical methods: experimental evaluation"
extract from chapter 11 (pages 416-427) of: Human-Computer Interaction second edition, A. Dix, J. Finlay, G. Abowd and R. Beale, Prentice Hall, 1998
not available online, but see www.hcibook.com for more information

statistics books - annotated list (html) and short review (pdf, 100K)

conditions of use

These materials are free to use for personal, educational and research purposes on condition that the source is acknowledged. Where the materials are used online they should include a link to www.meandeviation.com.

For commercial use or inclusion in paper or electronic published materials please contact alan@hcibook.com

tutorial outline

tutorial notes

7 common errors

book list

rainfall in Gheisra

two-horse races

more coin tossing!

HyperCard demo

other tutorials by Alan

about the stats tutorial

links elsewhere



Alan Dix 23/4/2001