see my blog entry "book: The Singing Neanderthals, Mithin"
- p.12
linguistics has neglected the "rhythms and tempos of verbal interaction" c.f. language as iambic pentameter ?????
- p.15
bodily entrainment - I have heard (recently, but where?) that only humans & one other species (maybe a bird) do rhythmic entrainment added later - I thin it was a kind of frog, but also a lot about this in Sync
- p.16
western musical development - is it that we are "unmusical" because of childhood exposure or more that western music is complex c.f. repetitive African rhythms?
- p.17
recursion in language and music
- p.17
rhythm to help turn taking
- p.26
music and language a common origin "musilanguage"
- p.28/29
on p.28 - 100 billion neurones; on p.29 10-15 billion!
- p.69
infants - music precedes speech -- babytalk etc.
- p.72
"melody is the message" - c.f. to babes or animals say nasty things in comforting voice and they are happy
- p.73
Japanese infant-talk hard for western babies to understand (but otherwise language doesn't matter)
- p.74
infants & rats spoken to the same
- p.75
infants - statistical patterns in sound stream
- p.76
but also for non-speech sound
- p.77
infants have perfect pitch!!
- p.81/82
the study of laughter :-D
- p.87
Outley & Johnson-Laird in emotion/reason
- p.96
- impact of mood on creativity & generosity
- p,109
Wrang - alarm calls of vervet monkeys should not be regarded as referential, but 'manipulative' - intended to induce behaviours - c.f. speech-acts
- p.115
duets and monogamy
- p.117
early hominids ranged wider for food => need better spatial skills at navigational level
- p.131
Broca's area related to mirror neurones c.f. one hour old infants mimic tongue stuck out
- p.138
defn of Hmmmm
- p.150
rhythm & walking
- p.160
400,000 year old wooden spears
- p.167
Merlin Donald "mimetic culture"
- p.169
mime in the hunt
- p.170
small vowels (e.g. 'i')for small things
- p.171
onomatopoeic animal names
- p.173
wholistic language is conservative c.f. p.172 - cross-modal combinations allow a form of recombination (me)
- p.317
(notes) - 'displaced thought' - importance of imagination for pre-linguistics
- p.182
body size ratios (discussion of Miller's suggestion that music/singing is result of sexual selection) (me) may also be related to 'eternal child' infantilism
- p.185
humans as big as they can get before back injury - pressure to reduce sexual dimorphism
- p.188
sexy stone axe hypothesis! (me) c.f. discus theory in The Ascent of Mind
- p.192
Hmmmmm with 5ms!
- p.194
hunting c.f. discus again
- p.195
singing whilst working - c.f. ring at an anvil or sailors songs
- p.196
upright walking encourages premature birth (small birth canal) - c.f infantilism
- p.200
evolution of lice to ate appearance of clothes!
- p.206
synchronised frogs - 2 speed dating
- p.206
chimps do not synchronise sounds
- p.207
human synchrony (me) ? necessary for face-to-face sexual intercourse
- p.208/209
McNeill's book "Keeping Time"- 'boundary loss' when making music together
- p.215
importance of 'we-ness' for social interaction (me) c.f. finger tapping extending sense of self
- p.217
coupling oxytocin and social and sexual binding
- p.221
redefinition of Hmmmmm - 5ms!!
- p.240
Neanderthals "wooden hafts tipped with stone points" - appears to contradict Mithin's earlier book "The Prehistory of the Mind"
- p.255/256
simulation of language development … universal grammar or artefact of learning bottleneck
- p.259
children - talking helps complex behaviour
- p.277
formulaic utterances - maybe also "rules" - large phrases with "holes" for objects/terms